Serious Sam 3: BFE was the product of both desperation and wanting out of a creative rut. Forever was a product of over-ambition and poor management. Released just a few months after the much mocked Duke Nukem Forever, Serious Sam somehow found himself in the exact same position as ol’ Blondie, but for different reasons. Games were becoming more expensive to make, and they definitely did not have the resources to make a new Serious Sam game and an improved engine both – at least from what one can infer playing through Serious Sam 3. One problem: Croteam were not doing well financially after a string of failed projects, and their new publishing partner was still growing into a proper force in its own right. Eventually, they found a working relationship with the then new Devolver Digital and got to work making HD remakes of their first two games, putting Serious Sam back in the public consciousness and preparing the world for a new entry in the series.

This included a modern military shooter that the financiers backed out of, and a failed pitch to Id for a new DOOM game.
Serious sam 3 ps3 series#
With the game’s disappointing sales, Croteam had to buy back the rights to their signature series from 2K, then shopped around for awhile for work. The times were not kind to Croteam after Serious Sam 2.